Monday, March 10, 2008 

Golf Course Etiquette - Manners, Rules and Respect

In all sports there are rules. But golf is a little different. The game of golf has some rules, but it also has a code of etiquette. golf etiquette is very important. If you are on professional golf courses, not following the right etiquette can get you banned from future rounds. And when you are playing with someone you dont know very well, a client for example, not following the etiquette is very unimpressive. If you are not familiar with golf etiquette or you need a refresher course, then read on.

The first set of golf etiquette is safety related. Golf can be a somewhat dangerous sport and it is important to follow safety rules. Be aware of those around you and dont swing until you make sure you have plenty of room. Dont start the hole until the group ahead of you has finished and moved onto the next hole. Never throw your clubs in anger. In addition, should you choose to use a golf cart, be sure to follow the posted golf cart rules.

The second set of golf rules is all about being respectful to the other golfers. These golf etiquette tips include keeping a good pace by being ready to play when it is your turn, allowing other golfers to play through if they are faster than you, repairing all divots and ball marks and raking the sand traps after use. These rules help all golfers to observe behavior that is courteous to the other players and groups.

The final set of golf rules is mainly to keep good manners on the course. Never talk during another golfers swing as this can be distracting. Be aware of your shadow on the putting green and keep it out of the way of those who are putting. Never walk through another putters putting line. It is much better to walk behind the putter and their ball. As you can see, observing proper golf etiquette is easy to do and will keep your golf outings enjoyable and conflict-free.

Are you searching for golf clubs? Fore Her Golf carries clothing and accessories with a feminine appeal including polo shirts, skirts, shoes, golf headwear and outerwear from top brands - also a great selection of unique golf gifts and memorabilia for the lady golfer in your life. Fore Her Golf is your source for women's golf supplies and gifts, products reviews and recommendations as well as game tips and training techniques. For more information on golfing and other recreational activities visit the golf directory.

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Soccer Player Tips for Better Performance

soccer player's tips for a better performace. Tips and techniques to consider for the game of soccer.

Here are some ideas to consider when you are playing the game of soccer.

1. Keep the ball moving with one or two touches.This is also known as interpassing within a team setting.

2. play the ball with pace; make a crisp solid pass, whether it is a 3-meter or 20 meter pass.

Yes and to your team mate.

3. play the ball and move.

playing and moving covers the basic idea behind making runs, but the important thing to remember is to make these runs dangerous and make runs that lead to goal scoring opportunities or open up space for a team-mate.

Get the ball and lay it off and then make that run behind the defender again, so your team mate can chip the ball to you over the opposing players.

4. Give it and get it back.

Give and go or wall pass.

The basics for all of soccer is the ability to pass accurately to force opportunities. The key is setting up your defender.

You almost need to draw in the defender towards you, as though he or she is going to be able to intercept the ball, then give it and go - accelerating into the open space to receive the return pass.

5. When dribbling change your pace after making a move to beat an opponent player .

Attack quickly when there's an advantage or an opportunity.

Try to keep the ball moving as quickly as possible. If there's a chance to break, then counter-attack with a few precise passes.

6. Keep the ball close to your feet when controlling the ball. Keep your head up and watch the field as everybody is moving.

7. When dribbling, try and touch the ball with every step you take. To ensure close control of the ball and then enhance your ability to cut the ball away from defenders.

8. Get the cross in. Try and aim for the area between the 6 and 18 yard boxes. This will make the goalkeeper come out and try and collect the ball.

This makes the goal open and vunerable. A cross directly infront of the goalkeeper is easy for the keeper to handle.

9. Take shots on goal and test the goalkeeper as often as possible in the first part of the game.

10. Always want the ball, and ask for it.

If you know that you are making great runs into space let your team know this.

This type of communication is vital for the development of great plays.

11. Always watch the ball, don't get caught because you were watching your opponents feet.

12. Always watch the movement of ALL players on the field.

13. Stick to your teams strategy and tactics for the day.

14. show respect for yourself by respecting the officials, the coaches, the opposing team and your own team.

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Appliances and Your Utility Bill

Your utility bill is a collection of sub-electrical uses from your lights to your heater. Your appliances fall within this category and can suck up amazing amounts of energy.

The power usage of an electrical appliance is of concern to most everyone due to the rising cost of electrical power. The kilowatt meter that is usually attached to the outside of your home measures the watts being used. When those little wheels are spinning wildly, you can anticipate a hefty electric bill in next months mail. When you understand a bit about power consumption, it is possible to reduce your power usage by a considerable amount.

The watt is the most common term associated with power usage. A watt is a measurement of actual work performed by electricity. The watt rating is usually listed on an electrical appliance. Some items use the watt as a descriptive term such as a 30 watt speaker system or a 100 watt light bulb. Other appliances might list amps and voltage, but a simple formula can convert this to watts. The formula is amps x volts = watts.

It is important to note that the watt rating of an appliance refers to its maximum capacity when operating. A 500 watt refrigerator will only use 500 watts when its compressor is running a full blast. Normally, it would be using more like 50 watts to power its electronics. The same would apply to a fan. Its watt rating would refer to its operation at full speed. A computers watt rating would vary depending on how many programs are running.

Some appliances will contain to use some power even when not in use. This would be the case of a clock on a television, for example. In most cases, the best way to conserve power is to reduce the use of an appliance. There are several tactics that can be used to conserve power. Anything that produces heat tends to use more power. Simple things like using cold water rather than hot in the washing machine can translate into a considerable savings.

A wise homeowner would treat electrical power usage in the same manner as a businessman would do it. There are certain things that are necessary, and there are certain things that are not as important. Conservation of electrical power usage not only is wise from a personal economic point of view, but it also is an important part of conservation. Much electrical power is generated by the burning of fossil fuels and growth is putting a serious strain on the supply. Every watt saved by every person can help with this problem. This saving not only will be felt in your wallet, but also in the very air you breathe.

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