Friday, November 30, 2007 

The Doom and Gloom Warning of Disasters and Global Warming

Many believe that global warming is guaranteed and that billions of people will die due to droughts, lack of water or rising water levels up to 20 feet submerging cities on the coastline. Recent a documentary showed us giant tidal waves and huge Hurricanes destroying much of the United States coastline and that is some serious real estate indeed.

Many people such as Michael Creighton in his latest book believe that these doom and gloom warnings are complete exaggerations and unnecessarily inciting fear in the populous. Is there a relationship between mankind's CO2 output and global warming? Many scientists believe there is and still many scientists believe there isn't and yet they are being silenced.

I for one do not claim to have the exact answer, rather wish to point out that those who claim to have the exact answer do not either, as their data and reports contradict. Indeed, most honest assessments of Global Warming are showing that they are degrees of bad, badder and baddest for potential eventualities. Some are plausible and others are borderline scare tactics.

Still we must remember Y2K? All those experts and facts and nothing happened? There have just been way too many of these things occur and the World is going to end about every decade or so you know? And yet here we are still caught in sound and fury looking for the next chaos, controversy or Earth calamity to hang our hats on.

I just cannot hang my hat on this one due to the lack of data on all the other cycles here, our Sun and in space. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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Air Solution Company - Helping to Maintain Healthy Evaporative Cooling Systems

Legionnaire's Disease (Legionellosis) and Evaporative Cooling System Maintenance Recommendations

What is Legionnaire's Disease

It is a bacterial infection that is characterized by pneumonia. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), legionnaire's disease is caused by bacteria known as Legionella pneumophila. There are at least 43 species of legionella however, it is the Legionella pneumophila strain that causes over 90% of legionnaire disease deaths.

In the United States, it is estimated that as many as 18,000 cases occur each year. Death results in 5 - 15% of the cases.

Legionella are commonly found in low concentrations in both natural and unnatural (man-made) aquatic environments. Within unnatural environments, where water is used in an evaporative heat exchange process, warm temperatures combined with poorly treated cooling water can create an environment ideal for proliferation of this deadly bacteria.

Because cooling towers, evaporative condensers and chillers are highly efficient at drawing large volumes of air to support the evaporative cooling process, airborne organic material such as leaves, insects, pollen, birds, cotton wood and other debris is usually drawn into the water system and if not maintained can accumulate, decompose and contribute to system fouling and microbial growth including legionella pneumophila.

Ideal conditions for legionella proliferation include water temperatures between 77 - 108 degrees Fahrenheit (25 - 42 degrees Centigrade), presence of organic debris, sediment, scale, stagnant conditions and presence of amoebae. Legionella naturally preys on amoebae and incidentally prey on phagocytic cells (part of human immune system) when inhaled thus leading to Legionnaire's Disease. The legionella bacteria is transmitted by aerosol (mist) from devices such as cooling towers showers and faucets and aspiration of contaminated water. Person-to-Person transmission does not occur.

Controlling Legionella in Cooling Towers & Evaporative Cooling Systems.

Based upon a six-year committee effort, ASHRAE board of directors approved guidelines (known as guideline 12) that provides environmental and operational guidelines for maintaining safe evaporative water cooling systems. The guidelines are intended for use by: commercial cooling system designers, maintenance engineers, equipment manufactures, owners, operators and users.

Key Maintenance Recommendations (Guideline 12)

  • Keep system clean using a microbial treatment program.
  • Use a qualified water treatment consultant to establish and oversee a water treatment program.
  • Keep system free of debris that can contribute to the food source for legionella. (Air Intake Filters can help to control debris and organic material build-up).
  • Inspect and clean cooling equipment if it is found to have a build-up of dirt, organic matter or other debris.
  • Inspect drift eliminators and clean or replace as needed.
  • Keep maintenance and operational records that include equipment manufacturers maintenance manuals, description and dates of the water treatment program, inspection dates, MSDS documentation on all treatment chemicals, equipment repair records including dates, system water volume records, and the names and phone numbers of individuals responsible for system start-up, maintenance and shut-down.

Cooling Tower Locations Recommendations (Guideline 12)

  • Locate cooling towers far from fresh air intakes and windows that can be opened.
  • Consider prevailing wind direction and don't locate upwind or upstream of outdoor public areas.
  • Don't locate in areas that can contribute debris and organic material.
  • Consider the direction of prevailing winds and don't locate upstreamof any outdoor public areas.
  • Consider future construction, including that on nearby sites.
References: Center for Disease Control - December, 2000 Article, MMWR - July 1994, National Institute of Environmental Health, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE)

Air Solution Company developed and patented the first Air Intake Filter specifically engineered to mount to the outside of cooling towers and other HVAC equipment for purposes of stopping the debris before it entered into the system. Since that time, Air Solution Company has been manufacturing and has introduced a variety of other innovative filter systems including its new Fine Mesh Filter which is engineered for use on small and medium size refrigeration coils and machine fan intake housing units. Air Solution Company Randy Simmons is with Air Solution Company, author of articles can be reached at

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Secrets of Painting Vinyl Siding

The popularity of vinyl siding with new construction started approximately 20 years ago. Recently, there have been many scientific breakthroughs that made vinyl siding almost maintenance free. However, if your vinyl siding home was built more than 20 years ago, the vinyl installed at that time did not have the advantages of our technological era. The factory finish is most likely faded and looking run down. You know that replacing your vinyl siding would be too expensive. You are lucky!. There is another way to make your vinyl siding look like new again You can paint it! You can change to a different color and

You can regain the fresh, new home look

Before you do any painting over your vinyl siding, talk to a professional. This will give you an idea of what the cost would be to hire someone to do it for you.

If you decide to paint, you will lose the maintenance free quality of vinyl. You might need to paint every 10 years.

The secret to painting your vinyl siding lies in the procedure.

1. Start by cleaning all the dirt and mildew accumulated through the years. The siding can be cleaned by hand scrubbing or by power washing it. There are many cleaners available at your local hardware store. After cleaning it, it is important to rinse it thoroughly. If you skip this step, the paint will not adhere to the surface. 2. You are now ready to paint!

a. Vinyl siding has a very high coefficient of elasticity. This means that it expands or contracts depending on the temperature. This quality makes it challenging to paint.

b. In you want your new painted surface to last a long time, you will need to chose a high grade acrylic latex paint. This paint has extraordinary bonding capabilities. It will expand and contract with the vinyl without cracking.

c. A new color scheme can also be used. However, the new color must be lighter than the original color. Each vinyl siding is manufactured to resist specific levels of heat. If you chose a darker color, your new siding will absorb more heat. This could have some ugly consequences your siding might warp or buckle.

d. Try not to paint under the direct sunlight if possible. Overcast weather produces better results.

3. It is recommended that you apply two coats of paint. Two coats of paint will provide excellent adhesion and the flexibility needed on vinyl siding. It will also resist peeling and fading.

If you follow this procedure, your home will look like new again and your painting job will last approximately 10 years. In addition, you will have literally saved thousands of dollars avoiding a new vinyl siding job Enjoy!

Mr. Borjas started investing in Real Estate 7 years ago. This activity led to a General Contractors License and to build custom homes in NC.

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